36 Years of Acupuncture Experience!

Plus, I do House Calls!

Bruce Boldon, M.A., L.Ac.

Acupuncture in Santa Rosa to Support your Health and Wellness Goals

Welcome! I’m Bruce Boldon, a Licensed Acupuncturist with 36 years of experience. I love connecting with my patients and helping them to heal from their pain, illness and chronic health conditions so they can enjoy better health and overall wellbeing. I have an office in Santa Rosa and I also do house calls within Greater Sonoma County.

Acupuncture is an effective form of holistic medicine that provides pain relief and helps the body heal itself.

Acupuncture has its roots in ancient China, but is very useful in our modern life. It heals us and keeps us healthy by working directly on the Qi (pronounced “Chee”), the life energy that nourishes and sustains us. We all have this life energy that naturally flows through our body. Qi acts as a bridge between your physical body and your Spirit. Qi works in the space between body and Spirit. We experience it as our mind, and our emotions, and the physical sensations of our bodies. Qi is the feeling we have of being alive.

Using Nature as a Guide for Energy Balancing and Healing

In Ancient China people looked to the Natural World for ways to understand the flow and changes of energy in the body. These activities in the body keep us alive and healthy. The warming action of the sun, the movement of the wind, the falling rain, all of this acts to make the earth fruitful. And the fruit of the harvest from the Earth in turn nourishes us. They saw that the body is an ecosystem that works best when it is in a healthy balance.The natural water cycle is an excellent way to describe the flow of Qi in our body. Energy flows through us just like water flows from springs through creeks and rivers eventually reaching the ocean. There the warmth of the sun evaporates water into vapor which becomes clouds and falls to earth again as rain.The body has pathways for energy which function like the creeks and rivers in the Natural World. These pathways are the acupuncture “meridians”.

How Acupuncture Describes Pain and Disease

The traditional way to describe pain and disease uses the image of debris, such as a tree or large boulder, which falls in the river and creates blockages.It might be easier to think of the meridians as a garden hose. If you put a kink in the hose then pressure builds up on one side of the kink. This pressure leads to the pain and  swelling of an injury, or imbalances which causes disease. At the same time there is not enough water (energy) on the other side of the kink and this is the energy that the body needs to heal itself.

Acupuncture Heals the Root Causes of Pain and Disease

Acupuncture stimulates the body to work the kinks out of its own hoses by applying thin needles to particular acupuncture points for each individual condition. In this way Acupuncture both relieves pain and helps the body to heal itself.This is true whether the problem arises from an injury or a functional problem such as allergies, digestive problems, or problems relating to women’s health. Many people come for treatment to maintain good health, not just to fix a problem.Energy Healing. At the end of each session I do a few minutes of Massage and Energy Healing. I am using my energy to work on your energy directly. The Acupuncture session relaxes you so that this is very effective and I can do more in a few minutes than I could if you had not just had the Acupuncture.

I have extensive experience treating a wide variety of issues including:

Senior Wellness

Acute and chronic pain, joint pain, back pain. Reducing pain can help reduce the need for pain medications

Headaches, allergies, and asthma

Digestive problems

Women’s Health


Pre-surgery and post-surgery treatments

Multiple and complex health issues


  • Donna G.

    My daughter Misty is an epileptic with many different types of seizures daily. In January 2019 she had a focal seizure which paralyzed her from the neck down. She spent one week in the hospital and had lots of therapy to walk, but it was not working. I decided to take Misty to see Bruce Boldon for acupuncture. I myself have been seeing Bruce for over 6 years. Bruce was able to get Misty to start to raise and shuffle her legs in one session. Within 2 sessions Misty was walking with some assistance. I know in my heart that if I had not taken Misty to Bruce, who knows how long it would have taken her to walk. Misty continues to go to Bruce. The day after an acupuncture treatment Misty is doing so much better. Bruce is amazing, understanding, professional, compassionate, but most of all he listens to your needs, asks questions to verify your issues, and then performs his magic. If not for Bruce my daughter and I would not have any kind of quality of life. Modern medicine can’t always cure you, so please think outside the box for your health. You will not be disappointed.

  • Davey “Doc” W.

    I came to Bruce Boldon 2 months ago suffering from nerve damage to my right leg after hip surgery. I could barely get around with a brace on my leg and a walker! All this caused anxiety and depression. Today, thanks to Bruce I walk with a cane and I can even drive my truck again. The anxiety is better too now. My wife came in for headaches and they were eliminated the first session. She is so happy. I would recommend Bruce for acupuncture for all of your pains.

  • Barry & Karen W.

    We have been patients of Bruce Boldon for nearly two years.  Not only is his demeanor one of caring and compassion, but his acupuncture methods have truly “saved” us on a number of occasions.  Before finding Bruce, one of us had suffered with extreme sciatica to the point of not being able to sit, stand, or even sleep for any length of time.  Other practitioners were tried to no avail.  This went on for months.  After one treatment with Bruce, the pain was gone and has not returned.

    Without hesitation, we wholeheartedly recommend Bruce Boldon for his kindness, professionalism, and his amazing skills in acupuncture.  He is a gem.

  • Sue K.

    I've been going to Bruce for several years, and he has helped relieve the arthritic pain in my hands and knee tremendously!  His quiet, calm demeanor puts you at ease right away, and he actually listens to what you have to say.  He makes it very easy to have a dialogue about your issues and his recommended treatment.  I highly recommend Bruce Boldon; he's the best!

  • Sue K.

    I have received acupuncture treatments from Bruce Boldon many, many times over the past three years. His treatments help relieve the pain and stiffness from arthritis that I experience in my hands and knees. Bruce has a friendly, easy manner that immediately put me at ease, and he took the time to explain how acupuncture treatments work, (as I knew next to nothing about it upon my first visit).  I highly recommend Bruce if you are seeking a skilled, caring acupuncturist. 

  • Jackie P.

    I have been an acupuncture client of Bruce Boldon’s for almost a year. I am in generally good health but life’s challenges create stress that throws our body energy off balance and I rely on Bruce to correct these imbalances before they create other issues that would need to be addressed at a different level in the future. My big issue when I first started with Bruce was fatigue and there has been dramatic improvement. I no longer ‘crash’ after a lot of activity which makes a huge difference in my life. I can maintain a greater level of activity and a consistant level of energy. I may have some days where I want to rest a little more but I am not ‘crashed’ and struggling for a week or two at a time before I feel my energy come back. I highly recommend Bruce Boldon for your acupuncturist. He is very genuine, sincere and completely focused on your personal health and well-being.

  • Paul

    I began seeing Bruce Boldon for acupuncture treatment two years ago with the goal of addressing overactive bladder syndrome (OABS).  I saw him weekly for perhaps two months in order to develop balanced meridians, and then monthly after that for tune-ups.   I did try stopping the monthly visits, but found that after a few months it was helpful to return for regular tune-ups. I have continued with the monthly tune-ups and recently asked Bruce to help improve the overall health and function of my digestive and purification systems.

    My approach to health issues is to take medications when needed and helpful, but to work towards completely eliminating the need for any medications.  While correlation of the improvements that I have experienced over the last two years with the regular acupuncture treatments is subtle, I believe that receiving regular treatments has played an important part in my overall health and wellbeing.  Specifically, I only rarely have to take medication for my OABS, and that is always when I enjoy a little bit too much coffee, so self-inflicted.

    I appreciate Bruce’s low-key and gentle manner, and also the way in which he answers my occasional questions about acupuncture in general and my meridian state.

  • Morgen B.

    Bruce is a gifted healer. I came to him with chronic tendinitis that I had  for over 6 months. Physical therapy and other "Western" approaches did nothing to improve it. After a few weekly acupuncture treatments, I am pain free and finally able to get back to my normal fitness routine.
    I highly recommend Bruce!

  • Melinda F

    As mentioned in other reviews, Bruce is calm, professional, and attentive.  He has supported the health of my family for years, and has been particularly effective with helping overcome injuries and inflammation.  I have also taken Tai Chi from him, in which he also excels.

    Thank you, Bruce!

  • LaDawn W.

    I have been going to Bruce for a few years and my husband longer.  I was diagnosed with Cancer and the fatigue, stress and neuropathy were helped by treatments.   I went through 16 Chemotherapy treatments with regular acupuncture and I had few side effects, for which I believe Bruce's acupuncture treatments helped greatly.  Bruce is very personable and friendly and I would highly recommend him.

  • Kim I.

    I've been to Bruce many times over several years. He is an exceptional acupuncturist. He is warm and friendly with a calming, soothing demeanor. He really listens carefully and then explains what he thinks could be going on with my body in a way that is easy to understand. He is very knowledgeable and he never makes me feel rushed. He has helped me with a few different issues, and I will continue seeing him because he is a true professional and pretty much everything you'd want in a health care provider.

  • Jill G.

    Bruce is a great acupuncturist. He has helped me with long term pain, when other doctors could do nothing. He is a good listener also. I have tried everything possible, and the acupuncture is the only thing that has worked.

  • Jeff C.

    Having been a little disappointed with the results from acupuncture in the past, I was a little skeptical that it would be as helpful as it has been. I've had chronic shoulder and lower back pain for several years and PT and massage only worked for a very short time - a couple of days at best. Bruce's extensive knowledge zeroed in on the areas immediately and I am getting relief that is working for more than a week after only a couple sessions.
    His touch is also really amazing. Unlike my previous attempt, I cannot feel the needles being applied!
    If you've never tried acupuncture or have been disappointed in the past, I highly recommend you give Bruce a try!

  • Emily F.

    I had whiplash from a car accident and my chiropractor recommended that I get acupuncture immediately to help reduce inflammation. A friend highly recommended Bruce and he was able to fit me in for an appointment right away. I was a little nervous because I hadn't had acupuncture before but Bruce has such calm, gentle and reassuring energy that I was able to just relax and start healing! I'm so grateful for that recommendation, I wanted to pay it forward by posting this review. Now that I'm recovering my full range of motion from working with Bruce and my chiro, I'm seriously wanting to start studying tai chi with him too.

  • Debra P.

    Bruce Boldon has been my tai chi instructor for many years. He is one of the best teachers I've ever known. His credentials are impeccable, having studied under some of the great masters in China.

    I have also used Bruce for acupuncture. Again, he is truly the best!

  • Debbie L.

    Bruce has helped me with many health issues since 2008. He is a great healer with such a calming effect. I feel he understands energy healing because he has studied in China from where acupuncture originated. I have had a bone spur, plantar facitis healed in my foot. He has helped me immensely with my sciatic nerve in my back. I've had sinus HEADACHES for years. By getting regular treatments they are rare now.

  • Debbie L.

    Three weeks ago I was in excruciating pain. I had pinched a nerve and I could barely walk. I did not want to go thru the Western Medicine Process. I would have to get in to my primary care Dr. first then xrays, an EXPENSIVE MRI, etc. etc. NO, I'm not taking pain pills. I asked Bruce to HELP ME! PLEASE FIX THIS!    Bruce worked on my spine and tail bone area twice weekly. The first week not much change, second week I would feel good for a few days. By the 3rd week PAIN WAS GONE! I can now resume my yoga, walking and normal activities. BRUCE HAS QUITE A GIFT OF HEALING.  I FEEL NORMAL AGAIN!! I AM SO IMPRESSED.

  • Carla B.

    Bruce is a very talented acupuncture professional. He has helped me tremendously with my spine and neurology issues.  Thanks to him, he has improved my quality of life.  I saw him today for an appointment and left feeling peaceful, and with a sense of well being.  My symptoms are improving.    If I could give Bruce 6 stars, I would.  He is that good.

  • David H

    “Acupuncture with Bruce Boldon has changed my life, literally. I came to see Bruce for help after years of therapy with other western and eastern medicine health professionals had yielded little results. Over time, his treatments have provided a foundation for healing both my body and mind. Where once I was very closed, it feels like I have permanently opened up to the world. Highly recommended!”