Acupuncture is an effective form of holistic medicine that provides pain relief and helps the body heal itself.


Acupuncture has its roots in ancient China, but is very useful in our modern life. It heals us and keeps us healthy by working directly on the Qi (pronounced “Chee”), the life energy that nourishes and sustains us. We all have this life energy that naturally flows through our body. Qi acts as a bridge between your physical body and your Spirit. Qi works in the space between body and Spirit. We experience it as our mind, and our emotions, and the physical sensations of our bodies. Qi is the feeling we have of being alive.

In Ancient China people looked to the Natural World for ways to understand the flow and changes of energy in the body. These activities in the body keep us alive and healthy. The warming action of the sun, the movement of the wind, the falling rain, all of this acts to make the earth fruitful. And the fruit of the harvest from the Earth in turn nourishes us. They saw that the body is an ecosystem that works best when it is in a healthy balance.

The natural water cycle is an excellent way to describe the flow of Qi in our body. Energy flows through us just like water flows from springs through creeks and rivers eventually reaching the ocean. There the warmth of the sun evaporates water into vapor which becomes clouds and falls to earth again as rain.

The body has pathways for energy which function like the creeks and rivers in the Natural World. These pathways are the acupuncture “meridians”.

To describe pain and disease the traditional explanation uses the image of debris, such as a tree or large boulder, which falls in the river and creates blockages.

It might be easier to think of the meridians as a garden hose. If you put a kink in the hose then pressure builds up on one side of the kink. This pressure leads to pain, swelling and many other symptoms. At the same time there is not enough water (energy) on the other side of the kink and this is the energy that the body needs to heal itself.

Acupuncture stimulates the body to work the kinks out of its own hoses by applying thin needles to particular acupuncture points for each individual condition. In this way Acupuncture both relieves pain and helps the body to heal itself.

This is true whether the problem arises from an injury or a functional problem such as allergies, digestive problems, or problems relating to women’s health. Many people come for treatment to maintain good health, not just to fix a problem.

Energy Healing. At the end of each session I do a few minutes of Massage and Energy Healing. I am using my energy to work on your energy directly. The Acupuncture session relaxes you so that this is very effective and I can do more in a few minutes than I could if you had not just had the Acupuncture.